Thursday, 5 November 2009

Royal Mail unblocks

Vicky arrived to see me this morning with a vast array of cards and letters, and even one present (thanks Sarah and Julian for the jigsaw designed specifically to fit a British Standard hospital bed table). I just want to post to say I was overwhelmed by the efforts made and how well you all write! I was amused, moved and cheered no end.

There's been a fair amount of pain today but this is mainly down to the increased exercise. I managed 15 mins in the gym yesterday and it'll be the same this afternoon. Generally I am doing well and am allowed on home leave sat to sun. Vicky and I are both a bit worrried about sleeping without the posh electric tippy bed but they'll lend us a wedge to lie back against so I'll hopefully be ok.

Being at home will be amazing and I am looking forward to some decent food (although the jam and coconut sponge and custard at lunch today was really very good!). We are also planning to let off a few fireworks in the back garden as I'll miss tonight's display in Cambridge. When I say a few, vicky's dad who is a firework nut has apparently got slightly carried away with his purchasing today... Yay!

Today is the 2 week anniversary of the call and looking back I am amazed how fast it's all been, even though the minute to minute hour to hour reality is a slog. I am preparing my mind for the reality of a long rehab and possible bouts of rejection and infection that are likely to occur in the first 3 months. On the flip side the new lung capacity is already marvellous and so I am already more physically able than I was 2 weeks ago.

Thanks again for all the cards. If anyone feels moved to write more don't let me stop you...


  1. We would love to send you a card but with La Poste in France combined with the current Royal Mail disputes who knows when it would reach you? (La Poste is great inside France but don't seem to like foreigners much!! I speak from experience).
    I know you have to deal with the ups and downs but it sounds like you are making amazing progress... keep the faith!!!
    We are all with you.. Uncle Peter, Elodie and Pierre-Louis

  2. 15 minutes in the gym! That's impressive and, er, about 15 minutes longer than I can manage... Have a great home leave this weekend!

  3. Isn't t'internet a wonderful thing? It is so great to be able to be able to follow your daily blogs! BTW slightly disturbed as your friend Anice appears to have nicked my cat.... ;o)

  4. It's me, anonymous, again aka Katie. I have been very much doubting the post as currently one of my big projects at work is being scuppered by the strikes...but having heard that it's getting through I'll give it a go. Marvellous to hear that you're allowed out on good behaviour, and even more so that you can feel such a difference already.

    love and hugs

    KT xxxxx

  5. I expect your cat has four legs, though, Blakehk! Poor old Brockley is missing a back leg; he actually has a phantom limb and attempts to scratch his ear with his stump. All of you who are laughing now, please stop!
    Sorry to monopolise your blog with feline talk, Will!
    Wanted to ask, how does wine fit in with the new drug regime?? Once you are fully recovered and climbing Snowdon will you be helping us through our "cellar" (no, K still won't let me build one)?
