Monday, 21 December 2009

The dreaded Christmas shopping

Well, it was a sort of success. Today started well - I got up pretty early and after breakfast walked over to the surgery to get (yet another) prescription and then dropped it into the pharmacy. Couldn't have done that walk before the transplant. After getting home I did my 10 mins warm-up exercises and then 20 mins on the exercise bike and got up a good sweat. Certainly couldn't have done that before the transplant. Had a shower and dried myself. Couldn't even have done that before the transplant without some oxygen to help me along. What I'm trying to say is that I have to remember how bad it was before, how good it is now and how lucky I am.

Of course we then really needed to get into town to do some Christmas shopping, leaving it until the last minute as usual and perhaps having a reasonable excuse this year for not getting it done yet. We walked in (couldn't have done that get the idea), bought a couple of things, had lunch with a friend in Carluccio's and that was basically enough for me. I started to feel achy and a bit broken physically, so left Vicky to it and walked home. Still, probably the most activity in a 5-hour period yet, so pretty happy about it. The shopping will have to get, what's Christmas Eve for anyway??

Hope everyone is revving up for a super Christmas. I just want to say thank you again to everyone for the amazing levels of support through all sorts of means over the last couple of months. It has been humbling and marvellous - we couldn't have done it without you.


  1. Sorry that lunch with me left you broken - I can have that effect sometimes! As discussed, who cares about xmas when you are doing so well - that's a present enough for all of us.
    The snow is pretty tiring so you're not alone there.
    Brilliant to see you so well xxx

  2. No no! It wasn't you! Very good to see you and hope Kevin gets better soon...

  3. Bloody Christmas shopping knackers everyone. You guys have a great excuse to stay at home out of the snow, and say "Very Snug" whenever anyone calls. You are the best Christmas present Will, so please don't get stressed trying to buy lots of bibelots. But seriously, well done, and enjoy the fresh air.
    Vicky's Pa

  4. Merry Christmas one and all. No doubt you are enjoying a fine Norfolk xmas but K has had a relapse, must be flu (can't believe I haven't got it but just goes to prove that whisky cures/prevents everything... hmm, maybe apart from CF)so I am cooking dinner for three - me, sick boy who probably won't eat it and his mum. I can't drink because I have to drive her dinner to her later as we can't risk the poor old dear coming here and getting flu at 80. Sigh... Roll on 2010 :o)
