Monday, 22 March 2010

Spring has sprung

The other evening I was wandering around Cambridge, waiting for Vicky to finish work so that we could meet for dinner, and I went to have a walk by the river and walked through my old college, Trinity. It was a beautiful evening, with the crocuses out on the avenue, and it reminded me again how it is so easy to forget what a stunning place Cambridge is and how we take living in this town for granted. I was struck by the peace of the place, especially when wandering through the courts of the college, and how it is just such a conducive atmosphere for thinking and study. Except, of course, when you are actually there you spend most of your time trying to avoid study, having too much fun or wrapped up in the petty worries of everyday life...

I snapped a few shots on my phone, so the quality isn't great, but I hope it shows spring has at last sprung in Cambridge.

Crocuses on the Avenue in Trinity College

Looking the other way, with the college library (Wren library) through the trees

Trinity college bridge over the river Cam. A classic view.


  1. Is it crocuses or croci?

  2. Or croaky, given Will's hoarse history after the op?!!
